say-nowhere does he offer us as much as one constructive suggestion at all, as to what form alternative "responsible," "creative" action might take. How would he responsibly and creatively go about trying to change U. S. Civil Service Commission policy, for example? Does he believe in trying to educate the public to our case and our cause? How will he do it without radio and TV appearances and why not use them? Does Mr. Conger still believe, as some yet do, that homosexuals themselves should never work openly for their cause, but should always find heterosexuals preferably "influential" or "prestigious" ones, or so-called "authorities" to "front" for them? I believe that while assistance from such sources certainly should not be refused, we have advanced beyond
reliance upon it, and are now at the point of presenting our own case for ourselves.
Let us have some positive and constructive alternatives to replace the destructive negativism of Mr. Conger's editorial-but let those positive alternatives consist of more than just continuing to talk to ourselves. I, for one, am more than merely open and receptive to such alternatives and suggestions. In conclusion, I point to Mr. Conger's comment on the 15-year age of the modern homophile movement, and his statement that "today different standards must be used." Different methods must also be used. We are using them. Mr. Conger would have us remain with the methods and standards of a decade-and-a-half ago.
That descendants of Pilgrim Fathers, who braved nature's dire threatenings in search of Liberty,
should, with determined force,
seek to deny freedom
to men of varied race, creed or condition
within these shores of refuge.
Beth P. Wilson
Is now permanently established. The "Outreach Program" of ONE's Social Service Division has since its February 23, 1963 meeting of the Council of Friends of ONE in Chicago been developing plans for regular ONE activities there. Such meetings are now being regularly held. Anyone in the Chicago area who would like to join with the Friends of ONE under the mature and responsible leadership which ONE represents may secure further information by writing: Director, Social Service Division, ONE, Incorporated 2256 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90006